How To Start A Website Part 1

June 29th, 2011 ад Зап пакінуць адказ »

Your boss sucks your job is boring and on top of all that your pay checks are small. Sound like you? Well today we are going to talk about getting into the website business from home and hopefully replacing your full time job and becoming a full time entrepreneur. First off I’ll tell you this it isn’t going to be quick but it will work if you stay with it.

Step 1
Don’t quit your day job! Yes I said that this will hopefully replace your full time job, but you don’t know if, 1 it will work or 2 if you’ll like it. This needs to start off as a part time thing. You will need a steady income to put a small bit of money into this. You are starting a business not getting handed cookies on a silver platter!

Step 2
Даведайцеся, пра што вы хочаце напісаць. Гэта можа быць вельмі проста альбо вельмі складана ў залежнасці ад таго, хто вы. Падчас мазгавога штурму запішыце гэтыя пытанні і адкажыце на іх у сшытку альбо клавіятуры для далейшай даведкі.

Пытанні задавайце сабе
-Якія інтарэсы ў вас ёсць?
-Якая ваша праца і ці дастаткова ў вас ведаў, каб даць людзям адказы на гэтую тэму
-Ці падабаецца вам гэты прадмет, каб пісаць пра яго кожны дзень
-Ці дастаткова ўтрымання, каб пісаць пра гэтую тэму для доўгага прадпрымальніка
Step 3
Знайдзіце ключавыя словы, якія дадуць вам грошы. Гэтая частка надзвычай важная. Гэта зробіць альбо зламае ваш новы вэб-сайт. Паглядзіце на гэта так, што Інтэрнэт існуе прыблізна 20 гадоў & everybody is trying to claim their territory so if you want to make it in this business you need to find the right niche. Now there are a lot of free tools out there to help you do this. Напрыклад, google’s keyword tool will roughly, its not very accurate, show you the competition and the global and local monthly searches. Now if you want to hurry up this process and leave the research to the machines there is a great program called Niche finder.

Step 4
Find the perfect domain name. Now there are many websites out there that sell unused domains like Network Solutions and Register, but the website that I think is the easiest to use is GoDaddy. The main thing when choosing the right domain name is keep it short, keep it sweet, and keep it relevant. If you remember those three things you will have a good domain name.

Step 5
Last for this part is purchasing the hosting for your website I recommend HostGator. They have awesome customer service and an easy to use website. I would recommend the Hatchling which only allows one website then upgrading to baby or business later if you want to add more websites.
If you want to get the latest business news, awesome home business ideas, and read part 2 then visit My Business Ideas and become the entrepreneur you have always dreamed of being.


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