WP-PostViews Plus Widget

The WordPress widget is the special module which displayed on the sidebar of WordPress theme. Den WP-PostViews Plus widget is an add on to the WP-PostViews Plus plugin by Richer Yang (wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-postviews-plus). The widget displays most viewed posts and or pages by User eller Bot on WordPress sidebar and how many times the WP post was viewed by User or a Bot.

The integration of WP-PostViews Plus plugin counter to the blog sidebar is quite complex, especially for non literate bloggers. Den WP-PostViews Plus widget makes the integration process much easier, there is no need to edit any template code and insert PHP commands.

  • Count the bot visits and user views
  • Display hits og post views
  • Count and display the post visitor amount
  • Easy to install and integrate widget

Version: 1.0 Release date: 2009-02-19

6 kommentarer

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  5. hutzero sier:

    Great Widget!!!
    Thanks for your share.

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