Posts Tagged ‘hosting

Ce stii tu despre Toolkit de WP Plesk?

31 ianuarie, 2018

Plesk WordPress Toolkit

Plesk WP Toolkit

Plesk WordPress Toolkit vă oferă tot ce aveţi nevoie pentru a convenabil instala şi configura propriul site-ul WordPress. Practic se automatizează întregul proces pentru tine de la început până la sfârşit. Descărcări software WordPress pe serviciul de găzduire, creează baza de date SQL pentru platforma, şi creează propriile informaţii de conectare personalizate admin. dar, Acesta este doar începutul a ceea ce instrumente pot face pentru tine.

Într-o situaţie normală, cineva care rulează un site web WordPress vor dori pentru a adăuga plugin-uri, schimba teme, şi face modificări la configuraţiile. Cu toate acestea, Ei nu vor să ştie cum aceste schimbări vor afecta aspectul final al site-ului până după ce schimbările sunt făcute. O caracteristică avansată a Plesk WordPress Toolkit este că vă permite să clona ta existente WordPress site-ul într-un spaţiu virtual nisip. Aici vă puteţi testa modificările sau schimbările site-ul tau fara a afecta cel real. Acest lucru vă permite să experimentaţi cu diferite idei pentru ea fără veninos orice nefuncţionare sau care afectează experienţa utilizatorilor în nici un fel. Odată ce sunteţi mulţumit de modificările pe terenul de încercare, puteţi migra aceste modificări peste site-ul real cu doar un singur clic.

Poate că cea mai bună caracteristică de Plesk WordPress Toolkit este capacitatea sa de a proteja site-ul de hackeri sau atacurilor de tip malware. Când aveţi o mulţime de plugin-uri conectate la site-ul WordPress, le face mai vulnerabile la atacuri de terţi. Cele mai multe dintre plugin-uri de securitate, care sunt gratuite pentru a descărca nu va face o treabă destul de bună a prevenirii atacurilor. pe de altă parte, acest set de instrumente este construit cu un scanner de securitate care verifică pentru atacuri în fiecare zi. Ai obiceiul nevoie de orice experienţă de securitate pentru a rula această caracteristică fie. Este automatizată la fel ca orice altceva cu instrumente.

Alte caracteristici notabile ale Toolkit includ motor de căutare indexarea, depanare management, intretinere, şi gestionarea dumneavoastră teme şi plugin-uri. Cu preturi incepand de la $9.16 pe lună, orice webmaster serios nu poate merge în neregulă cu acest produs.

Care este experienţa dumneavoastră de utilizare a Plesk WordPress Toolkit? Spuneţi-vă părerea mai jos acest articol.

What Type Of Server Do You Need – Shared Or Dedicated?

January 9th, 2011

One of the reasons why companies prefer a dedicated server to a shared server to host their website is security. Because you are not sharing the server with other companies or websites, you have full control over the security of the website. A secure dedicated server will not only give your company website more space and bandwidth, it will also ensure safety.

A safe dedicated server is very important for any web site where business transaction occur online. Customers would like to know that their personal information such as credit card numbers are safe. By having a dedicated server hosting your website instead of sharing with other web hosting sites, you can ensure better control over security.

Safety is a major concern for most Internet customers. Even today, many people will not buy anything online because they think that their information will be shared all over the world and their identity stolen. Many refuse to believe that internet transactions are as safe if not safer, than those in the store.

More people, however, discover the convenience of online shopping. Online shopping reaches a new high every year. For some, online shopping is a far more convenient way to make all purchases. Some people even shop for their groceries online.

As long as your site is safe, you can promise your customers online safety. By having a secure dedicated server, you can add security to your site so that both you and your customers have peace of mind.

Financial transactions are not the only reason why you want a secure dedicated server. Without proper security, all information available on your website can be used and abused by the public. By having a dedicated server, you can have total control over the security situation on your website. Dedicated servers hosts only your website and no other. Because of this, you have control over not only your website, but your server.

A safe dedicated server is the only viable option for a company operating in large amounts of monetary transactions with customers or to assure the privacy of their business. A secure dedicated server will cost more to maintain per month than a shared server, but security alone is well worth it. Nothing is worse for a business than a lack of customer confidence. To protect your customers value, you will do everything in your power to ensure that your web site is safe.

Another issue regarding the use of shared or dedicated servers relates to CPU usage (Central Processor Unit of the server). With shared servers, as many companies may be using the same server, numerous web hosting companies (and probably also the other companies using the server) can get very concerned about excessive CPU usage of the server, as it may pose a risk of the server ‘crashingand all those using it will have their online services affected.

Even if you do not deal with customers, but have private information on your website, or company records, it is imperative that you have a secure dedicated server to prevent other people, including your competition, from finding out secrets about your business. Not having a secure dedicated server and putting private information on your website is taking increased risks.

Using a secure dedicated server is a wise choice for any company wishing to retain full control over the security of their site and security of their web host.

The Author also writes for Web Hosting Brisbane QLD Australia.

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