Nadomestiti tradicionalen telefon sistem z VoIP

10. september, 2011 ZAP Ni komentarjev »

Izvajanje sistemov VoIP telefon je pridobil veliko popularnost danes. Veliko podjetij začel gledati skozi svoj finančni načrt in bolj pogosto prihaja do idejo za nadomestitev tradicionalnih telefonski sistem z VoIP za razlog, da ima veliko prednosti in hkrati izpolnjuje veliko, če zahteve.

Tako, na začetku boste morali poskrbite, da kakovost zvoka, ko s širokopasovno povezavo je enako kot z uporabo tradicionalnih kdaj telefon sistem. Čeprav je zvok pretvori od zvok glas digitalni signal in potem nazaj, kakovost mora biti v vsakem primeru visoko. To je še posebej pomembno, saj vi greste rabiti to v različnih seminarjev.

Upoštevati dejstvo, da omrežna varnost mora biti na tekočem in hkrati delujejo pravilno. VoIP je zelo priljubljena med veliko podjetij in ob istem času je velik cilj za hekerji. Moraš se prepričajte, vaše podjetje ne bodo napadli tiste hekerjev in v primeru niste pomislil o tem pred, To je skrajni čas, da si.

Vendar, to ni dobra ideja, da vsakdo preklopite na to storitev takoj. To je močno priporočamo, da test sistema in brž ko ste zadovoljni s storitvijo. Lahko vključujejo vsi zaposleni v načrtu. Hkrati je priporočljivo, da starega sistema v vsakem primeru, ker se bo nekakšen hrbet.

Nobenega dvoma ni, da VoIP telefonskih sistemov so odlična rešitev za vaše podjetje, ne glede na to, kakšne velikosti je. Ob istem času, To omogoča malim podjetjem možnost, da izkoristijo različnih komunikacijskih orodij in ni treba takoj vključiti v sistemu veliko.

Telefon poslovne je bila vedno ena od primarnih stvari treba misliti pri organiziranju podjetja. Pri odločanju o zanesljivih časa cenejši v delovanje telefonski sistem, IP telefonski sistemi mogoče šteti. Kakorkoli že, Ta telefonski sistem melbourne stran lahko lažje izberete ustrezen sistem ob upoštevanju potreb družbe.

Kaj je Online računalniške igre?

September 9th, 2011 ZAP Ni komentarjev »

An online game is such kind of activity when video games are played on a computer by means of Internet connection. There exist video games that can be played on various devices like video consoles or even mobile phones, but online computer games can be played only on the assumption of Internet access availability. The start of online computer games fell on the 1980s even considering the fact that Internet was extremely slow and rather expensive. The very first versions of online games were just multiplayer text based games. In the 1990s they started gaining more popularity. Today we can see the result of this rapid development: virtual communication, high-end graphics, extremely realistic sound systems and lots more.

Like every other phenomenon, online computer games have various types. The first type is the first-person shooters game. In such games players battle head-to-head against each other. The majority of first-person shooters games include such elements as deathmatch or arena style play. When you play these games you see everything what is going on from your character`s own eyes.

The second type of online games is called real-time strategy. A real-time strategy is a game where the situation demands from the gamers the development of a combat strategy. You must create a game plan by producing resources and training a strong army so that you are capable to join battle with other Internet players in the future.

The third type of online games has been enjoying wide popularity over the past few years. These are browser games: small, simple and quick games which you can play using your favourite Internet browser.

Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games or just MMORPG are online computer games that can unite thousands of online players at the same time. A person can join other players and fight with them against somebody else interacting with each other. But the person must be developing his skills all the time trying to reach the maximum possible level that the game provides. Usually, gamers are engaged by such games for several months or even years!

Computers are an integral part of our life. PCs serve not only for business goals but for entertainment as well. There are so many electronic car games to play today. But many of them require a good connection that’s why a Internet speed test should be run when selecting an Internet provider. Besides a channel with good bandwidth also will be appreciated when running different web apps like compound interest calculator and others.

Kako odstraniti in odstraniti brskalnik preusmeritev Virus

September 8th, 2011 ZAP Ni komentarjev »

If you are one of the unlucky ones that is saying why does google keep redirecting me and are wondering what the hell is going on then chances are you have been hit with what is commonly referred to as the browser redirect virus or Google redirect virus. The problem you face right now is that you need to be careful how you use your machine and the sites you are being redirected to. The biggest danger with the virus is that fact that it can send you to websites that are chock full of virus and trojan horses. Right now you should realise the potential dangerous of having the virus stick around on your machine. How do you go about getting rid of the virus and finally getting piece of mind again?

The reason you have been infected with the virus is that most common anti virus suites do not pick it up and stop it from taking over your machine. The virus itself is typically one of those which is either a generic virus or a trojan horse, either way it is something nasty that needs to be removed asap.

You can manually fix the problem but that can take hours and you must know every single file and setting that needs to be repaired. If you are reading this then chances are you want a no frills, fast and straight solution so you can use the machine properly again?

Thankfully there are some great tools available today and one of the best ones is called Fix Redirect Virus Tool which has been created by a PC technician that has had his fair share of unhappy clients who have been infected with the virus. The virus is one of the most wide spread ones going around for the past few years and there doesn’t seem to be a slow down in the number of people being infected.

The tool is great because you don’t have to risk damaging your system files or settings as this software solution and step by step guide will take care of it quickly and easily. The great thing about the tool is that it offers multiply solution options if one does work to cover all forms of the virus going around.

Be careful how you use your machine as if your PC is comprised it can give access to hackers to your personal files and data! Although the virus itself is nasty and frustrating it is the additional problems such as using itself as a gateway to more dangerous websites to unsuspected web users.

If you want to get your hands on this fix and read more about it then you should visit google redirect virus removal to get some great advice and tips to clean you machine fast. Take action today and check out browser redirects to see how you can eliminate this virus in under 1 hour.

O prvi Foo Fighters pesem kdaj sprostijo – Svojo zgodbo in nekaj dejstev

23. avgust, 2011 ZAP Ni komentarjev »

Ta del je vse o prvem single za sprostitev s strani Foo Fighters, grunge/rock skupina, ki jo je ustanovil Dave Grohl, in različnih dodatnih povezanih informacij in dejstev, povezanih z.

Na voljo sredi 1995, manj kot leto dni po tem, ko je Dave Grohl prvič razvil koncept Foo Fighters po njegovem, In prejšnja skupina je bas človek Krist Novoselic je potrebno ločiti od Nirvana, prva pesem z imenom 'This Is A Call’ je bil izpuščen.

"To je klic’ je iz foo fighters prvi eponymous album.

Ta pesem je zelo velika "Pozdravljeni"’ in "Hvala’ s strani glavnega pisatelja skupine in tudi glavnega pevca, Dave Grohl, vsem ljudem, s ki jih je nastopal v različnih skupinah kot najeti session glasbenik in performer poleg tega, ko je bil Nirvanin bobnar.

Čudno, v starosti, ko je skoraj vsaka skladba, ki jo je izdala glasbena skupina, sledila z glasbenim videom, "To je klic’ na voljo brez pododdanega videoposnetka, izdelanega za spodbujanje enotnega.

Pesem B-stran je pogosto vsebovala skladbo 'Winnebago', čeprav je dejansko obstajala sprostitev, imenovana "enostranska’ single, kjer je "To je klic’ na koncu je bila samotarska pesem. Druga skladba, ki je v veliki meri vsebovala dvanajst palč zapisov/CD-jev ali zvočnih kaset, je bila "Podunk", ki ga je sestavil Dave Grohl.

Po izdaji skladbe na lestvici združenih držav samih "This Is A Call’ vlomil v rekordne lestvice na položaju 12 in se preiskala k številu 2 kjer je dejansko do vrha. Zelo dober rezultat ob upoštevanju Foo Fighters v tem času so bili novi bend, čeprav so bili potrošniki, ki kupujejo glasbo, seznanjeni s povezavo do nekdanjih, zelo uspešna skupina Nirvana.

Po vsej Združenem kraljestvu, kjer je alternativna skala skoraj vedno imela ogromno sledi, vključno z zgoraj navedenim Nirvana, izkazalo se je, da je pesem vrh 5 pesem dejansko peaking na številko pet. Velika Britanija ima veliko foo fighters občinstvo v teh dneh.

Prvi nastop rock skupine na televiziji je bil predvajanje te pesmi v živo v oddaji Late Show z Davidom Lettermanom.. Zaradi tega, Foo Fighters so igrali na Late Show z David letterman 10 več priložnosti v letih od izvajanja "To je klic’ Ker je David Letterman postal velik privrženec..

Skupaj z drugimi dobro znanimi rock bendi melodije na Rock Band, igra računalnika/videoposnetka/konzole, "To je klic"’ kot pesem prenosa, ki je bila sprva na voljo v 2008.

Proga se je poleg tega zelo izvajala po vsej Kanadi., pridobivanje številke položaja 1 v okviru alternativnih tabel te države. v različnih evropskih državah, vključno z Nizozemsko, ter Eire in Antipodean, kot sta Avstralija in Nova Zelandija..

Foo Fighters prva enkratna izdaja, "To je klic", začela proces in tudi postavil temelje, da bi dobili prihodnji glasbeni uspeh po vsem svetu, ki ga trenutno izkusi skupina vsa ta leta navzdol in če morda lahko pridobijo Foo Fighters vstopnice 2011 za njihove oddaje v živo boste verjetno lahko doživeli ploščo v živo.

Google je zrasla z Android pridobitev

August 22nd, 2011 ZAP Ni komentarjev »

One of Wall Street’s most consistent tendencies through the years has been for companies that have reached a certain size to buy other companies in an attempt to goose their growth. The old saying goes that when you can’t get better, you get bigger. It makes sense. Rapidly-growing companies can book impressive year-over-year numbers while they are still small, but it becomes increasingly difficult to post double-digit gains in sales and earnings once you’ve become a billion-dollar enterprise. Looking outside your own business to major competitors (i.e. buying growth through increased market share) or to companies that are related but tangential to one’s own (i.e. buying vendors, partners, customers, etc.) are the two most common ways in which this is done.

Vendar, history tells us that such steps are fraught with peril. Major acquisitions by mega-cap option bit stocks are usually overpriced and rarely go well for the acquiring company. Companies that have become very large have entrenched systems, personnel and mentalities that can be extremely difficult to modify, and it is common to see the merged entity rapidly lose highly experienced managers a year or two after the deal. There are numerous examples of this, but we’ll cite AOL’s merger with Time and Alcatel’s merger with Lucent as a two very good ones.

Google’s $12.5 billion decision to acquire Motorola’s mobility division, with which it works very closely on the Android mobile-phone operating system, is very telling in this regard. Having grown by leaps and bounds over the past five years primarily through search and advertising, Google’s management is under severe pressure to keep the elliottwave music playing. Frankly, the deal has one of the hallmarks of a potential disasterGoogle is paying a massive, 63%, premium to gain control over Motorola’s jewel in the crown, even though the deal is the result of an exclusive process in which Google was the only buyer.

Poleg, the deal puts Google squarely into a low-margin, high volume business that effectively puts it into competition with the 38+ other handset makers using Android, which is considered by many to be the best mobile OS. It has quietly amassed a dominant 43% of the mobile phone market, ahead of both Nokia and Apple, but it is generally considered poor form to directly compete with your customers. No amount of reassurance that Android licensing will still be managed by aseparatedivision is going to placate rival firms who now see Google as a direct competitor.

Google has defended the acquisition in general and the price in particular by citing Motorola’s deep patent portfolio. There is some credibility to the claim, since owning the patents will provide a degree of legal protection from infringement lawsuits (as well as the legal standing to go after others), and there sure to be more than a few gee-whiz things in there that can be significantly monetized.

But the bottom line is that Google has grown up. It’s not the disruptive game-changing firm of 2005, but rather a very large, mature business with tons of cash that is buying innovation (this will be its 102nd acquisition). Steps like the Motorola acquisition and its recently launched Google+ social networking application suggest a me-too type of strategy, not the sort of thing that spawns sector-killer things like YouTube and Adsense.

In fact, Google now reminds us very much of Microsoft a few years ago. With lots of cash flow being generated from stable but slow-growing products like MS Office, Microsoft was long criticized for not acquiring growth through mergers, so it went out and snagged Skype in May in an ill-advised, non-core and overpriced acquisition that we feel will ultimately be seen as a major mistake.

Interestingly, Microsoft was quickly seen on Wall Street as a benefactor of the Google-Motorola deal. Not only does the acquisition instantly place other mobile OS makers, like Nokia and Research in Motion, on the block, but it may benefit the mobile Windows OS if, as mentioned, current Android partners defect. All told, Google’s move may look good on paper, but experience tells us that hindsight might deliver a different opinion.

Glasba proizvodnje Laptop obzornik

19. avgust, 2011 ZAP Ni komentarjev »

Sem imel priložnost, da uporabljajo prenosnike glasbe proizvodnje precej mush večina blagovne znamke laptop tam zunaj letos glede na to, kaj počnem. Sem naložil FL Studio in M-Audio krmilniki na vsak od prenosnih računalnikov spodaj. Če kdo razmišlja o nakupu prenosnega računalnika, lahko uporabite te informacije, preden kupite:

Lenovo T61:
Moje priporočilo za glasbeno produkcijo:
Neverjeten stroj. Hitro in zažene gonilnike za m-avdio dobro. Zagon je nekoliko počasneje zaradi lenovo programske opreme za upravljanje. Največja prednost Lenovo je, da prizemljijo svoje deske, kot jih Apple naredi, da ne dobiš “moč buzz” iz tega, ko je na napajalniku.

HP NW8xxx serija, NC6000:
HP ne kupite ničesar, če želite proizvajati. HP NE prizemlji svoje plošče pravilno in boste dobili grozen AC Buzz prek usb ali Firewire vmesnikov. Prenosniki imajo odlične zmogljivosti, Vendar pa, brenčanje je neznosno. To sem moral ves čas zagnati na baterijo, ko sem snemal vokale.. Izogibaj se compaq/HP za glasbeno produkcijo.

Ti stroji so grozni – izogibati se jim. Garancija je grozna, učinkovitost pa grozna.. Imel sem grozne zmogljivosti in stabilnost s temi stroji, še posebej v Abletonu.

Apple Macbook, Macbook Pro:
Odlični stroji za proizvodnjo glasbe. To je drago, če imaš denar., pojdi za to. Njihove garancije in podaljšane so drage, Vendar pa, to so najboljši pritlični stroji. Dobil sem najmanj brenčanja iz teh iz AC. Iz tega razloga, naredijo odlične stroje za proizvodnjo glasbe na mac ali windows strani.

Dell ni slab.. Testiral sem prenosni računalnik XPS. Jaz osebno nisem velik oboževalec Dell glede na njihovo podporo in gradnjo. So kosi skupaj iz Samsung pogodbe v Maleziji. Slišal sem višje brenčanje iz Della kot Lenovo., Ampak ni bilo veliko slabše.. Učinkovitost in stabilnost sta dobri z dell.

V zadnjem letu in pol, I have switched laptops for testing for my job and inevitably loaded Ableton and VSTS/drivers for testing the machines for the hell of it for my own knowledge.

Out of them all, I was surprisingly impressed with the Lenovo T61 quality and quietness when running in the studio. I think the Lenovo is the closest to the Apple MacBook in terms of a machine built to do music.

I think you can’t go wrong with either the Lenovo T series (stay away from the Ideapad series) or the Apple Macbook series. Apple was without a doubt the quietest machine in the studio followed by the Lenovo. I would recommend if you are only going to run Windows, go Lenovo. If you want the MAC OS, go Apple Macbook Pro.

By all means, stay away from any HP/Compaq models as they obviously don’t know how to ground their boards and you get ridiculous amounts of noise out of them when on AC power.

I would quite honestly stay away from everything else with the exception of Dell if for some reason you can’t buy an Apple or Lenovo.

for more music production equipment and more check out my blog.