Archive for the ‘business’ 類別

谷歌 Android 採集中長大

August 22nd, 2011

One of Wall Street’s most consistent tendencies through the years has been for companies that have reached a certain size to buy other companies in an attempt to goose their growth. The old saying goes that when you can’t get better, you get bigger. It makes sense. Rapidly-growing companies can book impressive year-over-year numbers while they are still small, but it becomes increasingly difficult to post double-digit gains in sales and earnings once you’ve become a billion-dollar enterprise. Looking outside your own business to major competitors (i.e. buying growth through increased market share) or to companies that are related but tangential to one’s own (i.e. buying vendors, partners, customers, etc.) are the two most common ways in which this is done.

然而, history tells us that such steps are fraught with peril. Major acquisitions by mega-cap option bit stocks are usually overpriced and rarely go well for the acquiring company. Companies that have become very large have entrenched systems, personnel and mentalities that can be extremely difficult to modify, and it is common to see the merged entity rapidly lose highly experienced managers a year or two after the deal. There are numerous examples of this, but we’ll cite AOL’s merger with Time and Alcatel’s merger with Lucent as a two very good ones.

Google’s $12.5 billion decision to acquire Motorola’s mobility division, with which it works very closely on the Android mobile-phone operating system, is very telling in this regard. Having grown by leaps and bounds over the past five years primarily through search and advertising, Google’s management is under severe pressure to keep the elliottwave music playing. Frankly, the deal has one of the hallmarks of a potential disasterGoogle is paying a massive, 63%, premium to gain control over Motorola’s jewel in the crown, even though the deal is the result of an exclusive process in which Google was the only buyer.

此外, the deal puts Google squarely into a low-margin, high volume business that effectively puts it into competition with the 38+ other handset makers using Android, which is considered by many to be the best mobile OS. It has quietly amassed a dominant 43% of the mobile phone market, ahead of both Nokia and Apple, but it is generally considered poor form to directly compete with your customers. No amount of reassurance that Android licensing will still be managed by aseparatedivision is going to placate rival firms who now see Google as a direct competitor.

Google has defended the acquisition in general and the price in particular by citing Motorola’s deep patent portfolio. There is some credibility to the claim, since owning the patents will provide a degree of legal protection from infringement lawsuits (as well as the legal standing to go after others), and there sure to be more than a few gee-whiz things in there that can be significantly monetized.

But the bottom line is that Google has grown up. It’s not the disruptive game-changing firm of 2005, but rather a very large, mature business with tons of cash that is buying innovation (this will be its 102nd acquisition). Steps like the Motorola acquisition and its recently launched Google+ social networking application suggest a me-too type of strategy, not the sort of thing that spawns sector-killer things like YouTube and Adsense.

事實上, Google now reminds us very much of Microsoft a few years ago. With lots of cash flow being generated from stable but slow-growing products like MS Office, Microsoft was long criticized for not acquiring growth through mergers, so it went out and snagged Skype in May in an ill-advised, non-core and overpriced acquisition that we feel will ultimately be seen as a major mistake.

Interestingly, Microsoft was quickly seen on Wall Street as a benefactor of the Google-Motorola deal. Not only does the acquisition instantly place other mobile OS makers, like Nokia and Research in Motion, on the block, but it may benefit the mobile Windows OS if, as mentioned, current Android partners defect. All told, Google’s move may look good on paper, but experience tells us that hindsight might deliver a different opinion.

BSC 系統軟體系統以及關鍵績效指標審核

6月30日, 2011

對許多管理人員來說,評估員工的效能將是一項複雜的工作. 真, 弄清楚實際工作人員是否真的在做好工作並進行評估並非無憂無慮

衡量人力資源效率. 這就是為什麼使用績效審查計劃對於幾乎所有必須優化性能的供應商都至關重要. BSC 是備受青睞的效率評估工具之一,實際上受到多個行業部門經理的喜愛. BSC 系統背後的主要原則是使用 人力資源措施 這恰好是一貫審查. 另外, 平衡計分卡系統檢查戰略目標實現情況. 這就是組織在應用路線圖方面做得有多好. 常常, 現在回復實際市場的變化以及外部問題真的太晚了. BSC 的主要好處是有可能對戰略和績效指標進行更改. BSC 之所以出名,僅僅是因為以下幾個方面:

平衡計分卡是第一個採用非財務績效指標的功能評估工具. 據推測,貨幣業績指標恰好是最重要的. 事實上, 財務 KPI 可以顯示公司過去的整體績效. 雖然如此, 行動計劃意味著預期. 顯然, 它真的是不可能預見幾乎所有的併發症,也調整到市場的地方. 最重要的是,公司可能已為潛在的問題做好準備. BSC 系統不能解決公司困難 (許多經理認為平衡計分卡可能是一個神奇的計劃). BSC是一個很好的程式,當使用正確. 你會發現許多典型的錯誤,你需要避開每當投入行動BSC系統.

顯然, 每一個最後一家公司需要平衡計分卡計劃,有效地付諸實施這個程式. 評估軟體系統最有益的技術總是要求進行試驗. 幾乎所有可靠的公司都為自己的購物者提供零成本測試變體. 你永遠不會確切地知道你可以購買什麼. 因此,在獲取程式之前,最好先查看程式. 查看其功能和介面. 實際應用可能不複雜, 特別是如果可能會被一些工作人員或整個單位使用. 成本對比很重要,因為可以決定合適的解決方案. , 所以, 從不同的供應商進行價格比較. 瞭解少數供應商為訂購許多產品和解決方案的買家提供降價服務. 除了, 有時價格過高的軟體程式提供較低的價格.

也, 獲得計劃是絕對不夠的,以實現成功. 平衡計分卡系統要求採取一系列可敬的措施. 如果選擇的 KPI 範圍不足,即使是最好的平衡計分卡軟體系統也可能毫無價值. 因此, 嘗試在互聯網上查找措施單位. 您將發現推廣性能指標包和零成本互聯網網站的供應商. 然而, 在評估公司績效指標時要注意. BSC 喜歡個人方法. 有充分評估Hr性能的限制,尋求更多資訊 人力資源中的平衡計分卡. 公司的成就取決於員工的績效水準. 接收最佳計算機軟體以及 KPI 庫.

如何開始網站部分 1

6月29日, 2011

你的老闆吮吸你的工作很無聊,最重要的是你的工資支票很少. 聽起來像你? 今天我們將討論從家裡進入網站業務,並希望取代你的全職工作,成為一個全職企業家. 首先,我會告訴你,這不會很快,但它會工作,如果你留在它.

步 1
不要辭掉你的日常工作! 是的,我說,這將有望取代你的全職工作, 但你不知道, 1 它會工作或 2 如果你願意的話. 這需要開始作為一個兼職的事情. 你需要穩定的收入來投入一點錢. 你正在創業, 沒有在銀盤上拿到餅乾!

步 2
瞭解您想寫的內容. 這很容易或非常困難,這取決於你是誰. 集思廣益時,將這些問題寫下來,並在筆記本或文字板中回答,以供進一步參考.

步 3
找到能賺錢的關鍵詞. 這部分是不可信用的重要. 這將使或打破你的新網站. 像這樣看它的互聯網已經圍繞約 20 年 & 每個人都試圖聲稱自己的領土,所以如果你想在這個行業,你需要找到正確的利基. 現在有很多免費的工具在那裡,以説明您做到這一點. 例如, 谷歌的關鍵字工具將大致, 它不是很準確, 向您展示競爭以及全球和本地每月搜索. 現在,如果你想加快這個過程,把研究留給機器有一個偉大的程式稱為尼奇查找器.

步 4
查找完美的功能變數名稱. 現在有很多網站出售未使用的功能變數名稱,如網路解決方案和註冊, 但我認為最容易使用的網站是戈達迪. 選擇正確的功能變數名稱時,最主要的是保持簡短, 保持甜蜜, 並保持它的相關性. 如果你還記得這三件事,你將有一個很好的功能變數名稱.

步 5
最後這部分是購買託管為您的網站,我推薦主機. 他們有真棒客戶服務和易於使用的網站. 我會推薦的哈奇林,它只允許一個網站,然後升級到嬰兒或業務后,如果你想添加更多的網站.
如果您想獲得最新的商業新聞, 真棒家庭商業想法, 並閱讀部分 2 然後訪問我的 商業理念 並成為 企業家 你一直夢想著成為.

Great Website Design Elements

April 5th, 2011

There are many components that go into making up good website design. Having said that, there are four major design principles that have the greatest impact on the overall design of the site. These four design components are as follows: emphasis, balance, unity and rhythm. To build a website that has pleasing design features and is highly effective in getting its message across, each of these four components has an important role to play.

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The first principle we’re going to look at is ‘balance’, which is to do with how the difference shapes, sizes and color elements are harmonized. Good website design needs to incorporate a high level of visual stimulation, yet at the same time, should not distract the visitor with too many inconsistent or conflicting components. Each part of the page has its own visual emphasis that is dependent on the color, shape or size of the images or the text blocks. Good balance on a web page does not mean simply having design components placed in an exact symmetrical manner on the page. 例如, you might create good balance by having an image on the right hand side of the page with a strong block of text on the left hand side. An even more challenging design principle is achieved with asymmetrical balance. This is done by combining different objects on each side of the page with each of these elements having a different visual weight color, size or shape. An example of asymmetrical balance might be if you had a strong element in the center of the page, the balance may be achieved by having a lighter design component further out toward the edge of the page.


The next style component we are going to consider is ’emphasis’, this relates on how you encourage your website visitor toward the focal point of the web page. In other words you want the most important design elements to really stand out on the page. Typically the focal point is a component that is very different from the other design elements on the page. Naturally there very different ways that you can achieve this emphasis, you might decide to use highly contrasting image colors, you may go for a bold font or you may just use a larger font. Whichever way you decide to highlight a component on your web page, the final result should be that your visitors attention is focused on the area that you want to emphasize.


The third component were going to look at is ‘unity’. This can be defined as how all the different components on the page appear to be very coherent and that the page has a unified structure. In other words all the components: the text, headlines, images, graphic elements, photographs and sub-headers all look like they belong with each other. Unity can be accomplished on the page by using the same font, colors that match or by using similar design elements throughout the page.


The final element were going to look at is called ‘rhythm’. Rhythm can be defined as how the various visual components can be seen by your visitors as having a unified pattern. The idea here is to attempt to generate a consistent pattern or structure to the design of the page. Repeating the same elements in a consistent way at regular intervals creates a smooth, even rhythm whereas dramatic changes in the spacing or the size of visual elements creates a much more lively, dynamic mood to the web page. Ultimately the viewer should perceive a holistic style from the website despite the fact there may be differing visual components that make up the overall design.

The reality is that people visiting your website for the first time will gain an immediate impression of the design priciples. They subconsciously rely on visual cues to assess the overall balance and harmony of the web page. This can be a major factor in their decision to continue to explore the rest of the site or to search for a better alternative. If the website is coherent and visually appealing and appears to have intuitive navigation, they are much more likely to explore the site further, buy your product or service or sign up for your newsletter. Another clear benefit is that they are far more likely to return to your site through having bookmarked it, or even signed up for your email list.

Accountants Direct- Guaranteeing The Financial Stability Of Your Slowly Developing Company

March 11th, 2011

To a lot of people, the concept of facing your taxes is pretty much equal to a life full of debt (notice how that same term sounds like “death”). 但, there are persons who spend their time doing this, with utter delight. They find satisfaction in trying to figure the calculations and figures for payroll and coming up with a few tax decisions that may help make the most of the returns of an individual. When you’re operating a business, it’s highly vital to look for an accountant who can take care of your finances and the perfect accountant comes with a few things to consider.

Every business owner, or everyday citizen for that matter, should ensure they get he best service possible from their accountant, just so there are no walls in communication, that there’s efficiency and speediness in returning phone calls, as well as making themselves available for their customers. Of course, if you happen to know a few people in the same line of business that you’re in charge of, then you could always ask for a few suggestions. Your fellow business owners have the same financial needs as you, and they could easily provide you with some trustworthy advice on experts who can provide you with exceptional long term services.

Of course, by the moment you’ve met your accountant, regardless whether he belongs to a group of accountant Sydney or whichever area in Australia, you should always inquire about the services they offer. If they concentrate in general accounting and offer assistance to your bookkeeping needs, never hesitate to make inquiries. It’s only critical that you see to it they can meet your payroll needs. Of course, much consideration has to be put into the amount of money you’ll have in your own bank account to make sure your taxes are settled, and how much they can work for. There are bound to be some tweaks in tax laws every now and then, so always see to it that you find out just how flexible your accountant is in keeping up with the times.

It’s highly imperative to involve yourself in some future planning, with being able to know how much you have in your savings in preparation for eventual use. 然而, having a really dependable accountant who’s technically gifted and highly reputable can always provide you with estimated returns on your investments, business plans, retirement accounts and insurance. The budget they prepare for you is distributed evenly so that everything works out to your advantage. You can look for an accountants Sydney and hire their services, especially with an accounting firm such as Accountant Directs handling everything for you. Their long list of accountants provides credible, exceptional and fficient service that can cater to every one of your financial needs.


February 24th, 2011

Reusing products and its materials is known as recycling. There are different kinds of recycling processes which you will come across and one of them includes computer recycling. Recycling can be done either by making use of its material or from the extraction of its components. Such materials can be used in computers as well as other electronic devices. There can be different reasons for why a computer needs to be recycled. Technology has changed with such a rapid rate, that recycled products can be put towards extensive use if utilized properly, otherwise it can prove very harmful. Computer systems are made of materials like led and copper which can be used to build other products.

Even its parts are exported to other countries at cheap prices and without tax. Recycling will help companies to earn money by dismantling systems or computers. The screen of your system is made of 6% led which can be used to make screen and monitors for other computers. computer recycling can help you to reduce the cost and it will be good as you can get devices and products at cheaper prices. If you don’t want to recycle your computer then you can sell them at cheaper rates. It is very beneficial to recycle your products because after sometime it is of no use and keeping it will just occupy space. Repairing it is not worth the effort as it will consume both time and money so the best option is recycling.

Most of the manufacturers who design computers even ask their customers to sell their old systems. There are unique programs where you can replace your old systems with newer systems at a cheaper cost, as manufacturers can utilize your old system and make new systems at a cheaper cost. This is an advantage to them, so you can contact any company like HP or APPLE which provide such good options to you. With computer recycling there is no harm to the nature and environment as it is done safely by making use of other technological equipment. Many countries which require used products buy the recycled items and in this way the country is able to earn lots of profit for themselves. It enhances exports and creates a standard too.

Due to the increased recycling process, countries have opened new recycling centers which offer computer recycling to more people. You can collect every kind of information that you want to and give your unused computers to these centers for recycling. This is not only easy but at the same time you don’t have to worry about your computer clogging up space in your home and computer security. Through the internet you can find innumerable sources which can help you to get complete information about recycling and how you can contribute towards environment. Hope you are able to find a solution and get your computers recycled to get them out of your way and provide a safer option to the environment.

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