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WordPress 的魔力

December 9th, 2010

One of the premier web hosting sites is WordPress. wordpress is a company that is dedicated to helping their customers set up professional websites quickly and easily. There are numerous advantages to using WordPress as your web hosting platform. It offers a huge variety of template design options that enable a layperson to construct a professional website in just a few hours. Another benefit is that WordPress is search engine optimized, which means that your website will be prominently displayed in the search engine results. 此外, WordPress allows you to quickly update your visitors through an RSS feed option.

Since WordPress is relatively easy to use and is very popular, there are thousands of plug-ins that allow you to customize your website design. WordPress is truly magical in allowing people who don’t know programming to design a great website. 例如, if there is a specific function that you want your website to carry out, you can download the appropriate plug-in and activate it on your website by going to your WordPress account administration tab. With so many options available to WordPress users, the ability to creatively design a unique website is unparalleled.

For the best web hosting, WordPress is the gold standard. Because of the SEO that is already incorporated into the WordPress platform, the customer’s search engine ranking will be higher than it would be with many other website hosting sites. In order to keep your search engine results at a high ranking level, it is important to frequently update your website with original content. 此外, when you post a sale or special event on your website, it will be found by the search engines more rapidly and your ranking will increase, so that you are closer to the top of the search engine results. This in turn will generate more traffic to your site and broaden your prospective customer base.

Another great aspect of WordPress is that it has a built-in RSS feed. An RSS feed is an efficient way for your visitors to be regularly updated about your activities. When new content has been added to your site or you have posted a new blog entry, the visitors who subscribe to your RSS feed are immediately notified via e-mail by WordPress. This function will save you a lot of time because the program does the work of updating your visitors for you.

Among the numerous web hosting sites, there are many advantages to using WordPress to design and host your website. The program is very user-friendly and quite customizable to fit your market niche. 此外, WordPress is already search engine optimized, so you will benefit from being highly-ranked in the search engine results. If you want to take a look at some websites that are designed with WordPress, here are a few excellent examples: The Department of Environmental Science at the University of Virginia, Ford Motor Company and Outreach Magazine.

If you are engaged in an online marketing campaign, consider utilizing the magic of WordPress. The platform will enable you to construct a great website with ease. With a professional website that you can update easily, you will be able to stay ahead of the competition and increase your market share

This post is contributed by Kirsten Ramsburg, a senior writer for a web hosting reviews company.

PHP 错误嵌套太深递归依赖项

3 月 12 日, 2010

我已经安装了 PHP 5.2 在我测试的电脑今天和几位以前在版本中工作正常的代码之一 5.1.6 扔在新版本中的致命错误. 错误消息是"嵌套级别太深 — — 递归依赖项?"和它花了一点时间

追踪问题的根源. 在这里是做了错了.

在 PHP 中有两个比较运算符, = = 和 = = =. 这是众所周知的第一次不是严格的类型,但第二个是. 所以, 举个例子

回声 ( 假 = = 0 ); // 真正的

回声 ( 假 = = = 0 ); // 假

– 0 是一个整数,虚假是一个布尔值


$= 新 MyObj();
$b = 新 MyObj();
如果( $= = $b )

我没有考虑过的所作所为与此代码. 当比较两个对象使用非严格比较运算符 (==) PHP 比较的对象的所有属性,如果它们匹配的对象被认为是平等. 如果它们不匹配它们并不相等. 在影响, 我们有一个递归的每个对象的所有属性的比较, 及其所有属性, 等. 直到我们到达基本数据类型,比如字符串和整数.

如果, 然而, 我们使用的是严格的比较 (===), PHP 将检查两个对象是否相同的对象, 不只是具有相同属性的对象.

MyObj 类
公共 $p;

$= 新 MyObj();
$b = 新 MyObj();
$c = 新 MyObj();
$->p = 1;
$b->p = 1;
$c->p = 2;
回声 ( $= = $c ); // 假
回声 ( $= = $b ); // 真正的
回声 ( $= = = $b ); // 假

如果你有循环引用对象属性中,发生的问题. 所以, 举个例子

MyObj 类
公共 $p;
OtherObj 类
公共 $q;

$= 新 MyObj();
$b = 新 OtherObj();
$->p = $b;
$b->q = $a; // 循环引用: $->p->q = = = $a

$c = 新 MyObj();
$d = 新 OtherObj();
$c->p = $d;
$d->q = $c;// 另一种循环引用: $c->p->q = = = $c

回声 ( $= = $c ); // 致命错误:
嵌套级别太深 – 递归依赖项?

为了比较 $a 至 $c, PHP 必须比较其属性. PHP 中的逻辑是这样这样的事情: $如果 = = $c $a->p = = $c->p 如果 $a->p->q = = $c->p->q 如果 $a->p->q->p = = $c->p->q->p 等. 无限期.

PHP 5.1 似乎在某种程度上平息问题 (可能在某些级别的递归后它只被返回 false) – 和通常好的工作. PHP 5.2 正确地产生上述的致命错误.

一旦你知道了这个问题, 答案很简单 – 使用严格的比较.

回声 ( $= = = $c ); // 假 (并且没有错误)


注. 在使用否定的比较运算符时,可以出现同样的问题 (使用 !而不是 = = !=) 当使用 in_array (使用 in_array 的第三个参数来指示进行严格比较).

如何接收和解析电子邮件使用 POP3 和 PHP

March 1st, 2010

I would like to describe some methods on how to write the processor for incoming mail. I had to use such manipulation to parse e-mails received from various sources. This can be useful for writing your own spam filter system, answering machine or ticket system to receive applications by e-mail.

To implement the e-mail parser algorithm we need

  1. connect and log-on to e-mail server
  2. count the number of incoming letters
  3. recive e-mail from the server using POP3 protocol
  4. process the e-mail headers and body and make parsing
  5. implement any additional actions

Ok, there is very specific task for PHP coding, so we need hosting that supports external connection. I do not propose to write decision entirely because much has been realized by talented programmers already. 例如, you can take a ready module which will allow accept e-mails from a remote server.

Thank’s to Manuel Lemos and his module (php class) which named pop3.php.

To connect that class to your code, you just need to use include or require command: require(“pop3.php”);

// We are trying to open connection and display the result
echo $result;
// Trying to logon and display the error if any appear
如果 ($错误<>'Password error: Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.') {echo $error; exit;}
// Now get the statistic how many emails are stored and the size of them $result=$pop3_connection->Statistics($消息, $size);
回声 "$hostname contains  $消息 of $size bytes.";
//..... There we can receive e-mails in the cycle and parse them.... //
// If nothing to do - we can close the connection
$error=$pop3_connection->Close(); //
echo $error;

Now we know how to connect and log-on to the POP3 server and how to request the number of Inbox e-mails and them sizes. Next, we should receive each e-mail and parse the headers and body array.


自由 MBOX 到 EML 转换器

February 14th, 2010

It is good that today there are still programmers who write excellent software at no cost. What I am talking about? Want to tell you how I found another program for my collection of must-have utilities.

Apple MAC computers are widespread used in our office. This is the policy of the company. Despite the policy of the company, our boss prefers Windows and uses its featured laptop. Who should break the rules? Of course the boss, the rest is not allowed 🙂 I must say that I share that preference, 所以我已经安装了Windows 7 我家的笔记本电脑.

我们的律师要经过时间的某个时间的调查,他们应该重新审视我们的工作人员的信件,但他们只接受中的文件 Outlook的PST格式.

在一个 前一篇文章 我写了令人难以置信的必要程序 Outlook导入向导, 它救了我很多的时候, 进口EML文件到Outlook. 我必须完成的任务只是把我陷入震荡. 这是必要的转换电子邮件我们的员工到Outlook .太平洋标准时间 文件. 我们如何才能调和不相容的东西? 如何MAC OS结合使用Windows?

一开始,我不得不进行一次审计,发现我们的员工通过各种电子邮件客户端. 有只是其中的一部分: 收费公路, 苹果邮件, 随行人员, MailCOPA, 雷鸟, 的Eudora, 伯克利邮件. 转换任务似乎并不可行. 我决定,如果一个搜索引擎不会立即给我的解决方案, 然后我会告诉我的老板的任务是不可能的. 所以我也搜索短语 “随行人员, 雷鸟, MAC邮件, 到EML到PST免费MBOX” 而搜索成功, 事实证明这是我万万没有想到的. 而且, 这个单词 自由 不相符我与不得不做任务. 的另外一个说明页上时,想象一下,我惊讶 EML到PST转换器, 我发现 免费MBOX EML的转换器.

软件审查表明, 尽管该程序是免费的事实, 它有令人难以置信的潜力. 然而不同的节目的邮箱文件格式变化, 该程序能够准确识别所有元签名, 并正确识别文件格式. 我不是在开玩笑, 所有邮箱文件 收费公路, 苹果邮件, 随行人员, MailCOPA, 雷鸟, 的Eudora伯克利邮件 转换为电子邮件文件的数组 EML 格式. 有了 Outlook导入向导 在我的手允许我进口所有 eml 文件到 Outlook 中 pst.

自由 MBOX 到 EML 转换器 作为批处理处理器工作. 首先, 你应该选择所有必要的 mbox 文件 要从中检索 eml 消息. 可以很容易地选择所有文件 转变 关键. 之后,, 您需要单击 处理 按钮, 指向硬盘驱动器上的空目录, 然后等待结果. 程序按顺序处理所有文件, 它为每个文件创建一个目录,并用它填充 提取EML文件. 在我来说,我有很多的邮箱文件被命名为根据员工的用户名. 最终,我得到了很多的文件夹, 每过一个用户名和包含的所有对应 EML文件 从检索 邮箱.


1月25日, 2010

美国! 我发现这个视频绝对惊人. 十二分钟的行动 航天飞机 部分. 从地球开始到大海. 航天飞机各部分的空间摄像机, 看起来很有趣. 很漂亮 航天飞机 视频.

STS-129 视频集锦&我在这里的图像团队从所有的地面, 空气, ET 和硫酸盐资源.