Recupero di dati. Alcune informazioni utili per te.

16 gennaio, 2011 da Zap Lascia un commento »

Data recovery became necessary since the first computers. Information media are constantly improving, and with them come new ways of solving this problem.

There are two major problems of information loss. This is deletion of files (accidental or under the influence of viruses) and mechanical damage to the carrier. In both cases, there are ways to recover the lost information..

Recovery of files became possible with the first operating system DOS. This operating system and now finds application in some places. This is due to the fact that the development of specialized software requires big expenditure, and there is no point in changing over the years proven system. With the use of such operating system, you need to be used respectively the peripheral equipment, such as the old, noisy dot matrix printers. And so, in the DOS operating system, it was used a fairly simple way to restore files.

To delete files in DOS system was used the application of the method of replacing the first character in the file name the resulting file is not removed but becomes invisible to the operating system. Thus the information does not disappear, and remained on the hard drive, just under another name.

Such files can be easily restored, but until then, on their place is recorded new information. But even in these cases, with special programs, can be partially recover data from hard drive intact clusters.

Restoration of files was possible, and in later operating systems, finestre. Starting with Windows 95, it began to use the method of first removing of filefamiliar to everyonebasket”. Files are in the basket easy to recover, but what about when the basket has been already cleared, or files deleted by some a program or a virus, without your knowledge. Come to the aid of the same method that was used in DOS.

Fails on your hard drive disappears after formatting. Here everything will depend on which method was chosen to format, a quick or full. When a quick format is used overwritten only TOC disc, and after this formatting to recover data is much easier. With full formatting, rewritten each cluster individually, and files can be lost forever.

But even in this case, the information is stored. If you deliberately want to destroy all the information you need to use special utility which will make recycling clusters repeatedly.

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