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וואָס טאָן איר וויסן וועגן פּלעסק וופּ טאָאָלקיט?

January 31st, 2018

Plesk WordPress Toolkit

Plesk WP Toolkit

Plesk WordPress Toolkit gives you everything you need to conveniently install and configure your own WordPress website. It practically automates the entire process for you from start to finish. It downloads the WordPress software onto your hosting service, creates the SQL database for the platform, and creates your own personalized admin login information. אָבער, this is just the beginning of what the toolkit can do for you.

In a normal circumstance, someone who runs a WordPress website will want to add plugins, change themes, and make modifications to the configurations. אָבער, they are not going to know how these changes will affect the final appearance of the website until after the changes are made. One advanced feature of the Plesk WordPress Toolkit is that it lets you clone your existing WordPress website into a virtual sandbox space. Here you can test modifications or changes to your website without affecting the real one. This lets you experiment with different ideas for it without causing any downtime or affecting your users’ experience in any way. Once you are satisfied with the modifications on the test site, you can migrate these changes over to the real website with just a single click.

Perhaps the best feature of the Plesk WordPress Toolkit is its ability to protect your website from hackers or malware attacks. When you have lots of plugins connected to your WordPress site, they make it more vulnerable to third-party attacks. Most of the security plugins that are free to download will not do a good enough job of preventing attacks. On the other hand, this Toolkit is built with a security scanner which checks for attacks every day. You won’t need any security experience to run this feature either. It is automated just like everything else with the Toolkit.

Other notable features of the Toolkit include search engine indexing, debug management, maintenance, and managing your themes and plugins. With prices starting at $9.16 per month, any serious webmaster cannot go wrong with this product.

What is your experience of using the Plesk WordPress Toolkit? Share your opinion below this article.

גער ינקרעדימאַיל צו אַוטלוק

מייַ 8th, 2012

גרויס אַז עס איז אַ פּלאַץ פון מענטשן וואס מאכט די וועלט בעסער. ווייכווארג דעוועלאָפּערס זענען ארבעטן שווער צו מאַכן די בעסער ווייכווארג און פּראָגראַמען און לאָזן מענטשן צו מאַכן די אַרבעט Effectively. פּאָטער און געשעפט פּראָדוקטן בייַ מאַרק זענען אַנדערש זייַן, עטלעכע פון ​​זיי האָבן פּלאַץ פון אָפּציעס און סעטטינגס. עטלעכע פון ​​זיי זענען זייער גרינג און אַפפאָרדאַבלע אַזוי קענען ווערן געניצט דורך ברייט קייט פון מענטשן אַפֿילו נישט אַזוי טעכניש זיכער.

הייַנט איך געפֿונען עפּעס בעסער ווי נאָר אַ געצייַג. די ווייכווארג גערופֿן ינקרעדימאַיל צו אַוטלוק קאָנווערטער פון הטטפּ:// איז געהאָלפֿן מיר אַזוי. דעם ווייכווארג איז טאַקע דעוועלאָפּעד דורך די וואס ווילן צו מאַכן דעם וועלט בעסער. מיט אַז געצייַג איר זאלט ​​ניט בלויז גער ינקרעדימאַיל צו אַוטלוק אָבער אויך עקסטראַקט ינקרעדימאַיל ימיילז און שפּאָרן זיי ווי .עמל טעקעס. די .עמל פֿאָרמאַט איז וויידלי געניצט דורך פילע email קליענט אַפּלאַקיישאַנז איבער דער וועלט אַזוי יענע .עמל טעקעס קענען זיין ימפּאָרטיד צו אן אנדער ווייכווארג אַזאַ ווי לייוו מעיל, מעק מעיל ביי עפּל אָסקס, דערוואַרטונג, ענטאָוראַגע, אַוטלוק עקספּרעסס און אנדערע.

איך האָב עטלעכע מכשירים אין מאַרק און געפֿונען אַז אַ פּלאַץ פון זיי Manufactured דורך פּיסי ** RE פירמע (זייער פּלאַץ האָבן ראַנגקינג פעלד) וואָס מאכט קלאָונז פון זייער ווייכווארג יעדער טאָג און ספּאַם די זוכן ענדזשאַנז מיט זייער זייטלעך. אזוי עס איז געווען ניט אַזוי גרינג צו געפֿינען די געהעריק ינקרעדימאַיל צו דערוואַרטונג קאַנווערטער.

אבער איך געפֿונען עס! טאַקע גרויס געצייַג וואָס אַרבעט ווי אַדווערטייזד. עס סטאַרץ ארבעטן נאָר נאָך לאָנטשינג. ינקרעדימאַיל צו אַוטלוק קאָנווערטער האט געפֿונען מיין ינקרעדימאַיל סעטאַפּ אויטאָמאַטיש, דעמאָלט איך אויסגעקליבן מיין .ימם טעקעס און אָנהייבן די אַרייַנפיר. כל מיין טעקעס זענען ימפּאָרטיד צו אַוטלוק אין לויט מיט Folders נעמען צו וואָס זיי קאָראַספּאַנדיד.

די געצייַג איז טויגעוודיק צו בייַטן ינקרעדימאַיל צו דערוואַרטונג, אַרייַנפיר ימיילז אין לויט מיט טעקע נעמען, עקסטראַקט ינקרעדימאַיל ימיילז און שפּאָרן זיי צו .עמל טעקעס. די סעטאַפּ טעקע ינסטאָלז צוויי עקסעקוטאַבלעס פון אַז געצייַג: איינער פֿאַר 32-ביסל אַוטלוק און רגע פֿאַר 64-ביסל אַוטלוק. אבער ווייכווארג קענען ווערן געניצט אָן אַוטלוק אויך.

Tool that converts IncrediMail emails to Outlook including attachments

ווי צו דורכפירן די ינקרעדימאַיל צו אַוטלוק קאָנווערסיאָן:

  1. לויפן די געצייַג
  2. אויב איר האָבן די ינקרעדימאַיל אינסטאַלירן, עס וועט געפינען אַלע נייטיק דאַטן אויטאָמאַטיש כולל דער טעקע ווו ינקרעדימאַיל סטאָרז אַטאַטשמאַנץ.
  3. כל איר האָבן איצט עס איז דריקן סעלעקט אַלע קנעפּל אָדער סעלעקטירן עטלעכע פון ​​בנימצא .ימם טעקעס
  4. ווען שטענדיק גרייט, איר זאלט ​​configure ווו די געצייַג וועט אַרייַנפיר ימיילז:
    אַ) אין ינבאָקס טעקע ין מיז אַוטלוק
    ב) ין די שורש סטרוקטור פון מס אַוטלוק באַניצער פּראָפיל
  5. איצט איר האָבן צו דריקן די צונעמען קנעפּל:
    אַ) צו ראַטעווען דאַטע צו .עמל טעקעס
    ב) אָדער אַרייַנפיר ינקרעדימאַיל ימיילז צו אַוטלוק

איצט איר זאל קאָנטראָלירן די רעזולטאַט. אַלע אייער ינקרעדימאַיל ימיילז זענען ימפּאָרטיד צו אַוטלוק. אויב איר פּלאַן צו בייַטן דיין ינקרעדימאַיל ימיילז צו אַוטלוק אָדער ווילן צו אַרויספירן ימיילז פון ינקרעדימאַיל סטאָרידזש ינקרעדימאַיל צו אַוטלוק קאָנווערטער איז וואָס איר דאַרפֿן. איר קען אָפּלאָדירן דעם פּאָטער דעמאָ (ריסטריקטיד) ווערסיע פון ​​קאַנווערטער רעכט איצט פֿון Manufacturers פּלאַץ הטטפּ:// און פּרובירן ווי עס אַרבעט. הייַנט די געצייַג איז געפֿינט מיט לעצט 30% אַראָפּרעכענען אַזוי איר זאל באַקומען אַדוואַנידזשיז פון ינקרעדימאַיל צו אַוטלוק קאָנווערטער ווי מיר.

ווי צו אַרייַנפיר עמלקס טעקעס אין אַוטלוק פּסט

יוני 3 רד, 2011

Outlook Import Wizard–new version, new performance and new features.

מייַ 8th, 2011

As more and more home and corporate users opt for Microsoft Outlook as their primary email and time management tool, the problem of transferring data from other email clients becomes a reality for an increasing number of people. Migrations involving thousands of emails in different encodings cannot be performed manually and require fast, efficient and easy to use tools that can help an average user successfully complete these tasks. Outlook Import Wizard is an all-in-one solution for transferring email archives in EML and MSG formats into Outlook’s native PST format. The recent release of the program adds plenty of useful features and offers increased performance and improved support of non-standard encodings.

Markham, ON, Canada— May 08, 2011: OutlookImport.Com gladly announces the release of a new version of דערוואַרטונג ימפּאָרט וויזערד, its popular email conversion and migration tool that enables users to easily convert thousands of EML און מסג files into a single portable storage (PST) file that can be immediately used by מייקראָסאָפֿט אַוטלוק. The new version features a number of serious improvements aimed at making the program considerably faster and compatible with the most recent versions of Outlook.

Outlook 64-Bit Edition Support

דערוואַרטונג ימפּאָרט וויזערד is now supplied with two executable files, 32- and 64-bit. Both versions are installed by default and users are free to choose the version they want to start. The 64-bit version is intended for דערוואַרטונג 2010 64-bit Edition and will not work with other editions. This improvement gives a solid performance boost to all users of the 64-bit edition of Outlook thanks to much faster execution of 64-bit code.

Support for Unicode and UTF-8 Encodings

The email processing engine of the program was completely rewritten and improved, which made conversion several times faster. דערוואַרטונג ימפּאָרט וויזערד now supports special characters in file names, which was a common problem among users migrating from Mac OS to Windows. Finally, full support of Unicode and UTF-8 in file names and message bodies helps avoid situations with indecipherable and unreadable messages appearing in destination PST files.

Multilanguage User Interface

The interface of the program also underwent changes. The options page has become a separate step of the wizard and users cannot miss it during the import process. The program now supports language packs that can be easily connected to the program. The list of currently available languages includes English, German, French, Russian, Italian, Spanish,Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Danish and Japanese. Potential contributors of localized files in other languages are very welcome and will get a free personal license as a sign of gratitude once their translation is validated and approved. Detailed instructions on translating the program’s language file will be provided upon request.

“Outlook Import Wizard has become a lot better,” confirms Atie Uhan, Senior Product Manager at OutlookImport.Com. “We completely replaced the email processing engine and its current version is several times faster than its predecessor. If you are converting 50 messages, relative speed may not be the most important thing, but if you are looking at several computers with a dozen thousand messages with attachments on each of them, any speed increase will be highly appreciated and will save you a good deal of time. We also made a few encoding-related tweaks and added multi-language support to the program. I hope our current and future users will like the result of our work.”

דערוואַרטונג ימפּאָרט וויזערד offers an excellent combination of speed, ease of use and an affordable price. The program is capable of quickly converting large arrays of EML and MSG email files to the Outlook PST format preserving the folder structure and making sure all the texts remain readable.

Pricing and Availability

Outlook Import Wizard can be purchased for as low as $24.95 (individual 1-year license), while an unlimited individual license will cost just $59.95. Enterprise licenses start from $45.95 and site licenses allowing the use of the software by up to 100 employees in a single building or location can be purchased for $495.95. Two- and three-year options are also available for individual and business licenses. Detailed information about Outlook Import Wizard, an online help section, frequently asked questions, case studies and a free downloadable trial version of the program are available at OutlookImport.Com.

The software can be purchased through Plimus, PayPro Global and FastSpring, official resellers of OutlookImport.Com products. These platforms support nearly all existing payment methods, including major credit cards: VISA, MasterCard, Amex and Discover.

About OutlookImport.Com

OutlookImport.Com was founded by a group of professional software engineers and now offers a broad range of development services and products. Employing several certified professionals with years of experience in the software development industry, the company is committed to creating user-friendly, reliable and highly-focused software tools that efficiently solve users’ problems within a minimal time frame. The lead developer of the company, Atie Uhan, currently holds a position of a Senior Software Engineer in a major software company and is a recognized expert in the area of software compatibility and data conversion. He has contributed to the creation of multiple import, export and data exchange solutions for a number of popular applications. He is also the author of many articles published at OutlookImport.Com.

Product page link:

Download link:

Company website:

P.S.: Today we found the stolen key code published to Internet. It is the old version of Outlook Import Wizard analog called EML to PST Converter. Pirate distributive file name: published by thief whos email is: . Please be informed that stolen software in the pirate package includes Trojans. Unfortunately such search phrases as: EML to PST Converter Serial, EML to PST Converter keygen, EML to PST Converter free, are very popular in accordance with the search engines reports.

דערוואַרטונג רעקאָווערי, אַרייַנפיר, אַרויספירן און קאָנווערסיאָן

יאנואר 4 טה, 2011

Laying A Bet On Golf: Live Golf Scores And Golf Handicap

December 13th, 2010

Gambling on golf is a million dollar industry. A lot of people similar to the fickleness of the game, the charm of the competitors, and the various ways that they can construct a bet on the game. The laid back and relaxed spirit of golf in between intense moments of exhilaration and suspense has completed the game one of the most accepted games to bet on

in web based sports gambling sites. Thousands of people all over the realm make bets on these websites and watch golf gambling closely hoping that their bets are winners. Golf bets is pretty basic. The three most basic ways to bet on golf is by having a bet on how the player finishes in the competition according to their scores. A gambler can bet on the player to win first place, bet on the player to place on the top three, or bet that a battler will finish ahead of another player. Probability are set by the bookies and runners of a gambling pool according to how the bet is completed.

If you are having a bet on a participant in order to win results to top odds and higher prize money principally if the player is not Tiger Woods, then you might want to wage on a person to lay results to lower odds. But on a head to head matchup, nobody cares who finishes first, second or third. All they mind about is if the individual they place a bet on finishes ahead of the guy he was matched up with. Another accepted golf betting sport is by doing a player matchup or head to head matchup that incorporates a golf handicap. A handicap is a way for two players of unlike skill levels to have a fair bout. This is a special class of bet and basically pits a great player against the second best in a tournament.

The handicap in this case can be set by the bookie or the challenging bettor. The winner in this game is determined once the concluding results of the tournament are posted and the scores of the matched up players are tallied against each other with the ordinary player’s scores subjected to a handicap. If the better player wins even with the ordinary player’s handicap, the enhanced player wins. Then again, if the score of the ordinary player joint with the handicap fallout to a unbeatable score of that of the better player’s, the average battler wins the matchup. This handicapped matchup is an out of the ordinary bet and is usually made between two people exclusively. Having a bet on winning players like Tiger Woods to win a tournament is not really profitable as he will usually get low money line odds. Bookies know there’s a massive change that Tiger will win and a bet on him is not in truth a big risk. This is the rationale behind his low likelihood on betting pools. In golf bets, it’s commonly the qualified unknowns that are bet on. Any person on the first 10 are bet to place, and the majority bets are completed on a matchup basis or head to head style for further pleasure.