Archive for the ‘security-privacy’ 類別


September 8th, 2011

If you are one of the unlucky ones that is saying why does google keep redirecting me and are wondering what the hell is going on then chances are you have been hit with what is commonly referred to as the browser redirect virus or Google redirect virus. The problem you face right now is that you need to be careful how you use your machine and the sites you are being redirected to. The biggest danger with the virus is that fact that it can send you to websites that are chock full of virus and trojan horses. Right now you should realise the potential dangerous of having the virus stick around on your machine. How do you go about getting rid of the virus and finally getting piece of mind again?

The reason you have been infected with the virus is that most common anti virus suites do not pick it up and stop it from taking over your machine. The virus itself is typically one of those which is either a generic virus or a trojan horse, either way it is something nasty that needs to be removed asap.

You can manually fix the problem but that can take hours and you must know every single file and setting that needs to be repaired. If you are reading this then chances are you want a no frills, fast and straight solution so you can use the machine properly again?

值得慶幸的是,有一些偉大的工具今天可用,最好的一個被稱為修復重定向病毒工具,這是由PC技術人員創建,有他的公平份額的不滿意的客戶誰已經感染了病毒. 該病毒是過去幾年來傳播範圍最廣的病毒之一,感染者人數似乎並沒有放緩。.

該工具是偉大的,因為你不必冒險損壞您的系統檔或設置,因為這個軟體解決方案和一步一步指南將快速輕鬆地處理它. 該工具的偉大方式是,它提供了乘法解決方案選項,如果一個人的工作,以涵蓋所有形式的病毒四處走動.

Be careful how you use your machine as if your PC is comprised it can give access to hackers to your personal files and data! Although the virus itself is nasty and frustrating it is the additional problems such as using itself as a gateway to more dangerous websites to unsuspected web users.

If you want to get your hands on this fix and read more about it then you should visit google redirect virus removal to get some great advice and tips to clean you machine fast. Take action today and check out browser redirects to see how you can eliminate this virus in under 1 hour.


4月18日, 2011

每當您在線衝浪時,即使您不想展示自己的身份,也可以了解有關您的資訊. 即使您的計算機不包含病毒或惡意軟體,也是如此. 特別是在線輕鬆獲得的資訊包括您的IP位址, 您的國家 (並且通常更多基於IP位址放置資訊), 你在什麼環境中, 您使用的網頁瀏覽器, 您的瀏覽器歷史記錄, 和其他資訊. 它變得很糟糕. 人們可以獲取您的系統名稱,甚至可以找到您的名字,如果您的機器支援指法程式. Cookie 可以在您從一台機器移動到另一台機器時跟蹤您的瀏覽習慣.

當您訪問某個網站時, 可以從您的電腦系統發送以進行通信的簽名中提取有關您的資訊. 基本上, 從這些簽名中截獲資訊,並被其他人用於跟蹤您的互聯網活動. 但是您可以在瀏覽時阻止他人獲取有關您的資訊.

是的, 可以不可見地瀏覽互聯網,從而阻止其他人查找有關您的PC的資訊. 請注意,這不是 100% 萬無一失, 但這讓人們更難知道你是誰以及你屬於哪裡. 有一些稱為匿名代理伺服器的伺服器有助於在瀏覽時保護您的隱私. 匿名代理伺服器將您的互聯網位址替換為自己的位址. 這具有隱藏您的IP位址的效果,使人們更難從您的簽名中跟蹤您的資訊. 如何獲取匿名代理伺服器?
互聯網上有許多匿名伺服器. 他們有免費和專業口味. 匿名伺服器的主要工作是確保您的在線隱私安全,並且可以正常工作. 您可以選擇付費匿名伺服器,也可以選擇免費伺服器. 使用查詢代理伺服器在雅虎上搜索,您將獲得它們的廣泛清單. 但是,如果您購買代理伺服器服務,那麼如果您遇到任何問題,您應該獲得支援,並且如果您空閒,則無法抱怨服務.

現在你可能有一個查詢,匿名代理伺服器是否讓你 100% 匿名 ?
答案是否定的,但它仍然是一項很棒的技術,可以確保您的在線安全. 除了匿名代理伺服器之外,您還可以使用洋蔥路由協議瀏覽器或VPN實現完全匿名. 提供免費和付費 VPN 服務, 您可以選擇您的選擇. 對於洋蔥路由瀏覽器,您可以使用洋蔥路由瀏覽器 TOR, 尋找 “完全匿名專案職責範圍” 在搜尋引擎上或下載 TOR.

在線時應確保資訊安全的其他三件事是使用加密連接. 有關匿名衝浪的更多資訊,您可以閱讀 匿名流覽. 要閱讀我的更多資訊,請訪問 學習如何破解. 感謝您的閱讀,祝您玩得開心.