Kreditering wenke

Januarie 14de, 2011 deur Zap Laat 'n antwoord »

Crediting tips

About existence of credit histories something was heard, perhaps, by everyone who had to take the credit, irrespective of the sum and those who used the legitimate right to see the history and check it up. Suchreinsurance”, as it appears, is reasonable at dialogue with banks which suddenlyall of a suddenrefuse credit reception. The annoying error or discrepancy which has crept in your credit history … can become the reason of sudden and inexplicable boycott.

Gradually in our bank system the practice when availability of positive credit history determines possibility of reception of a bank loan is implemented. The database of Inter-regional bureau of credit histories contains today more than 2 million records. It cooperates with all regional banks which daily arrange and send new creditaffairs”.

Spoil history can the one-day delay of payments under the credit. And moremaliciousnon-payers in general for a long time can forget about credit resources as banks can inquire history of any borrower if that is available, not only in local credit bureau, but also in the central catalog where title parts of all histories are stored.

Stoplight for banks is also the fact of clearing of the credit at the expense of property sale.

Behalwe, fans of bank loans aren’t recommended to change often a residence and works. So, any regional bank won’t give out the credit if the length of service of the potential borrower on last place is less than half a year.

In process of development of system of credit histories there will accumulate more and more information from different sources. It means that will become not only mutual relations with banks, but also suchspeakingfacts, as payment of utilities, mobile and stationary telecommunication, penalties, infringement on plastic cards.

In a word, bederf krediet geskiedenis is 'n eenvoudige besigheid. Dit sal veel meer moeilik wees om te herstel vertroue. Nadat almal onder die Wet, geskiedenis van leners van wetlike en fisiese liggame is gestoor vir 15 jaar.

Ten spyte van die feit dat onder die Wet elke eienaar van krediet “besigheid” het die reg om een keer 'n jaar gratis tot die geskiedenis sien, die paar mense gebruik slegs hierdie reg. En tevergeefs.

Selfs die gerespekteerde lener kan skielik verskyn “onsigbare wese” vir banke wat sonder enige redes toeken — banke het op hierdie reg — sal weier krediet toestaan. Die nietige fout kan die toon rede geword.

Om 'n vraag is dit moontlik, direk aangespreek in bank wat besit “outeurskap” van 'n fout, of deur die hof. By the way, from a credit history it is possible to learn even a name of the person who have brought each record, and time for this.

Can you remember those good times when anybody could take a credit if one needed funds? And just imagine the state of those who have to bear that burden nowadays when the world economy is facing hard times. And for those people having loans the issue of krediet monitering is as urgent now as never before. Dit gaan nie net oor lening beheer, this also helps save money, tyd, and nerves and be fast in solving loan related issues. Those who are looking for a spot where to find out about krediet monitering, are welcomed to go to this krediet verslag monitering webwerf – there is lots of information about loan monitoring and how to order that service.

In addition we haven’t forget about possibilities given to us by digital technologies. The Web network gives a truly unique opportunity to learn what we require or to get anything on the best terms which are available on the market.


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