Posts Tagged ‘video presentation

Effectiveness Of Video Advertising On The Internet.

December 5th, 2010

Because of omnipresence of online video ads the marketers using online advertising have to overestimate their own strategies in order to answer the question: Is it necessary to shoot some videos or I can use TV for placing on the Internet? What is the optimal duration of infomercial for translation on the network: 15 vagy 30 seconds? Will video commercials busily reproducible at the beginning harm to an advertised brand image? Is a contextual targeting really perspective (targeting method, applied for demonstration of ads only on those pages which thematic coincide with the thematic focus of ads)? » Read more: Effectiveness Of Video Advertising On The Internet.

Perspectives Of Development Of Video Ads .

December 5th, 2010

According to experts, online video advertising will be one of the most popular forms of ads in the near future. This is facilitated by increasing the spread of broadband Internet access and cost reduction of tariffs. The main benefits of video advertising on the Internet are: effect of newness, interactivity and big target-ability.

The response in the online video ads is higher than in traditional banner advertising. Approximately 60% of users after watching video advertising undertake any consumer actions. » Read more: Perspectives Of Development Of Video Ads .

Boom In The Internet Video Ads.

December 3rd, 2010

News sites are becoming much less resemble journals and rather moretelevision. and allocate for the video the best place on the pages, often pushing users to watch the ad before reading. Even the Wall Street Journal has accentuated in its player and two newscasts live daily. » Read more: Boom In The Internet Video Ads.