Posts Tagged ‘video presentation

Učinkovitosti Video oglaševanja na internetu.

5. decembra, 2010

Zaradi vseprisotnost online televizija ads marketingu, z uporabo spletnega oglaševanja so precenjujejo svoje lastne strategije za odgovor na vprašanje: Je potrebno ustreliti nekaj video posnetkov, ali lahko uporabite TV za dajanje na internetu? Kaj je optimalno trajanje oglas za prevajanje v omrežju: 15 ali 30 sekund? Bo video reklam Užurbano ponovljivo na začetku škode oglaševane blagovne? Je Googlovo omrežje res perspektive (ciljanje metoda, uporabi za prikaz oglasov samo na tistih straneh, ki tematsko sovpadajo s tematskim fokusom oglasov)?

Do nedavnega so označevalci imela premalo informacije preizkusiti teorij o tem, kaj res deluje in kaj ne v spletno video oglaševanje. V vmesnem času, stroški video oglaševanja na internetu povečuje vsak dan, in če letos bodo dosegli predvidoma $ 775 milijonov, glede na napoved eMarketer agencija za 2011 naj pridejo $ 4.3 milijard. Proizvajalci blaga in distributorships oglaševanje izboljšanje njihovega pristopi trženja pri oblikovanju zaključkov rezultatov številnih preiskav in izkušnje naučili iz lastne prakse.

Nekateri od sklepov so precej nepričakovano in v nasprotju z konvencionalnimi vidika. In sicer: učinkovitost razmerje opuščenih (za oddajanje v omrežju) reklamah je tradicionalno nizke. Tržniki vedno verjel izbirčni uporabnikov interneta lahko samo zainteresirani v posebno, zanimivo online prevajanje oglasov. Kljub temu, Danes obstajajo dokazila o Gane lokacije na spletu, vključno z reklamnega gradiva ustvaril za televizijskih programov. “Dejstvo, da so oglasi za druge namene ali drugih medijev ne pomeni, da ni primeren za umestitev v spletu”, – omenjeni James Hering, ravnatelj celostni Marketing na TM oglaševanje, Irving, država Texas.

V preteklem mesecu, specialistov agencija karatno Fusion so na spletu nekaj 15 - in 30-sekundni TV reklam iz zadnji akciji Hyundai “Pametno razmišljanje” (“razumen pristop”). Glede spokesmen agencije, pristop je privedla do želenih rezultatov. “Rekordno količino obiskovalci spletne strani podjetja Hyundai razvidno, da je treba spremeniti žganja in odnos do video oglaševanje, online prevajanje,” – pravi Brian Metheny, vodja vodja oglaševanje storitve distribucije v skupini podjetij Carat. Po mnenju predstavnikov Carat, za prve štiri dni oddajanje televizijskih oglasov Hyundai posnetke na spletu, število zahtev, ki so povezane z oglaševalsko kampanjo “Pametno razmišljanje” v različnih iskanje motorjev postal več kot potrojil.

Delno, Ti rezultati lahko da tava spletni uporabniki so še vedno navdušena, ki jih ta oblika prenosa oglasov, ker je še vedno relativno nov. Vendar, strokovnjaki menijo, da je sčasoma faktorjem novost nosi izklop, in je mnogo bolj zapleteno za oglaševalce, da dosežejo enako pozitiven odgovor na video oglaševanje, na spletu, karkoli je bilo: prvotno posnet za Internet ali opuščenih televizijskih.

Pogosto naletimo na položaj ko smo želeli predstaviti blaga, izdelkov ali storitev. Glede na to je najboljši način za to, medtem ko, Jaz hoteti priporočiti using stažist v bolnišnici televizija. Video predstavitve so dokazale svojo učinkovitost že. Tako, Če ste želeli poskusiti to, Pojdi na to spletna televizija – Tukaj lahko najdete vse informacije, potrebne. Spletno omrežje postalo že velik oglas trga pomoč za povečanje prodaje. Ki je raje zakaj stažist v bolnišnici televizija kadarkoli vi potreba svoje blago ali celo preprosto, da pojasni, kaj je za vaše stranke.

Perspectives Of Development Of Video Ads .

5. decembra, 2010

According to experts, online video advertising will be one of the most popular forms of ads in the near future. This is facilitated by increasing the spread of broadband Internet access and cost reduction of tariffs. The main benefits of video advertising on the Internet are: effect of newness, interactivity and big target-ability.

The response in the online video ads is higher than in traditional banner advertising. Approximately 60% of users after watching video advertising undertake any consumer actions.

There are a few types of video advertising on the Internet:

In-Banner Videodemonstration of video in a banner ad of a conventional size. It is the most common format of video ads.

Pre-rolldemonstration of the advertising video before the main video content that the user intends to watch.

Post-rollvideo demonstration after the main video content, which the user has looked through. It is supposed a more effective format than the Pre-Roll, as it is less irritating for users. Response, usually, is in several times higher than at the Pre-roll format.

Video contextvideo demonstration in the scope of content pages of the site (when hovering the mouse on a keyword with a hyperlink, the video is demonstrated). There is also another option of video contextdemonstration of text and graphic blocks over the video content. But this variant is quite controversial, because can annoy the Internet users.

Video advertising can be demonstrated automatically after loading the page of the site or at any user’s operation (hover or click).


Location Targeting;

Limit of the frequency of display advertising to a single user;

Targeting by categories (channels);

In some systems it is accessible targets: on providers, on content pages.

This kind of advertising is so popular that profile organizations release their recommendations about the standardization of this type of advertising functioning.

What extent is this type of ads more efficient than others, existing online to?

This type of advertising is the most resemble to television ads and advertising in movie theaters. Video advertisingis a good tool for the creation of attitude toward the brand. Furthermore, video ads, as a rule, contact with the user for a longer time, have a stronger emotional effect and are usually better remembered. In contrast to TV advertising, video ads are more accurate. For example, you can count very precisely the number of users who watched a movie, or show the video only to users of a definite region.

What are the drawbacks of this kind of advertising? The main drawback of this kind of advertisingis that the user need to download a much larger volume of traffic than usual when displaying banners.

What are the perspectives of growth of this segment in the near future? With the development of the Internet the bandwidth increases, therefore it becomes more and more users that are able to watch the video ads. I consider this type of advertising has the most optimistic prospects.

Quite often we come across the situation when we want to present goods, izdelkov ali storitev. While thinking of the best way to do that, Jaz hoteti priporočiti using stažist v bolnišnici televizija. Video predstavitve so dokazale svojo učinkovitost že. Tako, Če ste želeli poskusiti to, Pojdi na to spletna televizija – Tukaj lahko najdete vse informacije, potrebne. Online network has already become a huge advertisement market assisting to increase sales. That’s why use internet videos whenever you need to present your goods or even simply to explain anything to your customers.

Boom In The Internet Video Ads.

December 3rd, 2010

News sites are becoming much less resemble journals and rather moretelevision. and allocate for the video the best place on the pages, often pushing users to watch the ad before reading. Even the Wall Street Journal has accentuated in its player and two newscasts live daily.

The common reason of such behavior, certainly, is money and advertising. If in all other categories of ads the budgets are minified, video advertising is booming. News sites append more videos to catch rapidly growing demands of advertisers and make more profit.

Interest in the video reflects the alterations in the perception of news by consumers. Important, whether it is presidential elections or the demise of Michael Jackson, significantly increase the number of video browsing, and every time someone from new visitors becomes a regular visitor of the site.

Every significant event makes the video more popular than earlier” – said Charles W. Tillinghast, president of, a joint company of NBC Universal and Microsoft.

General Manager Mr. K.C. Estenson commented the situation more circumstantially: “Now people use the Internet otherwise. Broadband access has become more widespread and more and more websites with video become accessible, so that people already wait that it will be video on the site.

According to comScore, the websites of magazines The New York Times, Gannett and Tribune attain a million views of video streams every month. In this case, news sites are only responsible for a small share of the 25 billion video streams accounted by comScore monthly. According to records, in September in the categorynews and informationit turned out 500 million video views. The largest players in this segment were (162,000,000) and (148,000,000).

But even if we look aside the news sites, nowadays video is the fastest growing segment of online ads. According to figures from Interactive Advertising Bureau, in the first half of 2010 digital video has yielded $ 477 million of income that is on 38% more than during the analogous period. Dominant in the market is search advertising with the number of $ 5 billion over the first half of 2010, but increase of this segment is comparatively small.

Analysts expect that in future the tendency of influx of money in the segment of video ads on the Internet will continue. Research firm eMarketer suggests an increase in the segment by 35% -45% every year over the next five years and achievement of the mark of $ 5.2 billion in 2014 (though the search advertising will not be bypassed by video, the projected number for 2014 for search advertising – $ 16 milijard).

In its prediction for the next five years, eMarketer say that video advertising will become thebasic channelwhich will enlarge the costs of major advertisers.

Often we come across the situation when we would like to present goods, izdelkov ali storitev. While thinking of the best way to do that, I would advise to take advantage of internet videos. Video predstavitve so dokazale svojo učinkovitost že. Tako, if you are interested in this, check out this internet videos sitethere you can find all the info required. Online network has already become a huge advertisement market helping to increase sales. That’s why make use of internet videos whenever you need to present your goods or even simply to explain anything to your customers.