與 VoIP 取代傳統電話系統

9 月 10 日, 2011 由 Zap 沒有評論 »

VoIP 電話系統的實施取得如今大受歡迎. 很多企業開始仔細看看他們的融資計畫,並更經常地想出主意要取代傳統電話系統與 VoIP 的原因有很多的優點,同時也滿足了很多如果要求.

所以, at the very beginning you have to make sure that the quality of sound when using broadband connection is the same as when using traditional phone system. Even though the sound is converted from sound voice to digital signal and then back, the quality should be high in any case. This is especially important since you are going to use it during different seminars.

Take into account the fact that network security has to be up to date and at the same time it is functioning properly. VoIP is very popular among a lot of businesses and at the same time it is a great target for the hackers. You have to make sure your business will not be attacked by those hackers and in case you have not thought about this before, it is high time you did that.

然而, 它不是好主意立即切換每個人都對這項服務. 它強烈建議對系統進行測試,並且儘快把你是滿意的服務. 您可以在計畫中包括所有員工. 同時建議,在任何情況下保持舊的系統,因為它將某種你的背.

毫無疑問,VoIP 電話系統是完美的解決方案,為您的企業,不管它是什麼尺寸. 在同一時間, 它為小企業提供的可能性,利用不同的通信工具,無需立即融入大系統.

電話系統業務 一直是主要的事情被認為當組織的公司之一. 而決定便宜可靠而在行動電話系統, IP 電話系統 可以考慮. 不管怎麼說, 這 電話系統墨爾本 網站可以説明您選擇適當的系統,考慮到公司需要.


9 月 9 日, 2011 由 Zap 沒有評論 »

線上遊戲是活動的這樣,當視頻遊戲活動的通過互聯網連接的電腦上播放. 存在著可以在各種設備像視頻遊戲機或甚至手機播放的視頻遊戲, 但可以只在互聯網訪問可用性的假設播放,線上電腦遊戲. 線上電腦遊戲開始落在上世紀 80 年代甚至考慮到互聯網是非常緩慢和昂貴的事實. 線上遊戲的第一個版本,只是多人遊戲文本為基礎的遊戲. 從上世紀 90 年代,他們開始越來越普及. 今天我們可以看到這個快速發展的結果: 虛擬通信, 高端顯卡, 極其逼真的音響系統和很多更多.

像每一個其他現象, 線上電腦遊戲有各種類型. 第一種類型是第一人稱射擊遊戲. 在這種遊戲玩家戰鬥較量彼此. 大多數第一人稱射擊遊戲包括死亡競賽或競技場風格戲劇等元素. 當你玩這些遊戲的時候你看到的一切怎麼回事從你的人物的眼睛.

線上遊戲的第二個類型稱為即時策略. 即時策略是一個遊戲在那裡形勢要求從玩家的作戰戰略發展. 你必須創建一個遊戲計畫生產資源和訓練一支強大的軍隊,這樣你就能夠在未來加入與其他互聯網玩家的戰鬥.

線上遊戲的第三個類型近幾年一直在享有廣泛的知名度. 這些都是瀏覽器遊戲: 小, 簡單和快速的遊戲,你可以玩使用您最喜愛的互聯網瀏覽器.

大型多人線上角色扮演遊戲或只是 MMORPG 是可以團結成千上萬的線上玩家在同一時間的線上電腦遊戲. 一個人可以加入其他玩家和打擊與他們有人還有彼此間交互. 但人還必須發展他的技能試圖達到的最大的可能水準,遊戲提供的所有時間. 通常, 玩家受聘于這類遊戲的幾個月甚至幾年!

電腦是我們生活的一部分. Pc 服務不僅為企業目標,只為娛樂以及. 有這麼多電子 汽車遊戲 今天玩. 但其中很多要求良好的連接,這就是為什麼 上網速度測試 選擇互聯網供應商時應運行. 另外一種管道與良好的頻寬也將不勝時運行不同的 web 應用程式,如 複利計算機 和其他人.


September 8th, 2011 由 Zap 沒有評論 »

If you are one of the unlucky ones that is saying why does google keep redirecting me and are wondering what the hell is going on then chances are you have been hit with what is commonly referred to as the browser redirect virus or Google redirect virus. The problem you face right now is that you need to be careful how you use your machine and the sites you are being redirected to. The biggest danger with the virus is that fact that it can send you to websites that are chock full of virus and trojan horses. Right now you should realise the potential dangerous of having the virus stick around on your machine. How do you go about getting rid of the virus and finally getting piece of mind again?

The reason you have been infected with the virus is that most common anti virus suites do not pick it up and stop it from taking over your machine. The virus itself is typically one of those which is either a generic virus or a trojan horse, either way it is something nasty that needs to be removed asap.

You can manually fix the problem but that can take hours and you must know every single file and setting that needs to be repaired. If you are reading this then chances are you want a no frills, fast and straight solution so you can use the machine properly again?

值得慶幸的是,有一些偉大的工具今天可用,最好的一個被稱為修復重定向病毒工具,這是由PC技術人員創建,有他的公平份額的不滿意的客戶誰已經感染了病毒. 該病毒是過去幾年來傳播範圍最廣的病毒之一,感染者人數似乎並沒有放緩。.

該工具是偉大的,因為你不必冒險損壞您的系統檔或設置,因為這個軟體解決方案和一步一步指南將快速輕鬆地處理它. 該工具的偉大方式是,它提供了乘法解決方案選項,如果一個人的工作,以涵蓋所有形式的病毒四處走動.

Be careful how you use your machine as if your PC is comprised it can give access to hackers to your personal files and data! Although the virus itself is nasty and frustrating it is the additional problems such as using itself as a gateway to more dangerous websites to unsuspected web users.

If you want to get your hands on this fix and read more about it then you should visit google redirect virus removal to get some great advice and tips to clean you machine fast. Take action today and check out browser redirects to see how you can eliminate this virus in under 1 hour.

對以往公佈的第一個 Foo 戰士歌 – 它的故事和一些事實

8月23日, 2011 由 Zap 沒有評論 »

這篇文章是關於 Foo 戰鬥機發行的第一首單曲, 戴夫 · 格羅爾建立的垃圾 / 搖滾樂隊, 和各種額外的連接資訊和事實連結到它.

在中間提供 1995, 不到一年後,戴夫格羅爾第一次開發的概念,Foo戰鬥機后,他的, 和前一組的低音人克裡斯特諾沃塞利奇的必要分裂從涅槃, 第一首歌叫『這是一個電話’ 被釋放.

「這是一個電話’ 是從福鬥士的第一個同名專輯.

這首歌是一個非常大的『你好’ 和『謝謝你’ 由該集團的首席作家,也是主唱, 戴夫·格羅爾, 所有的人,他表演了在各種樂隊作為一個聘請會議音樂家和表演者,除了當他是涅槃的鼓手.

奇怪, 在一個時代,幾乎每一個音樂組發佈的曲目都跟著一個音樂視頻, 「這是一個電話’ 提供沒有認可的視頻製作促進單.

這首歌的 B 面通常包含曲目 "溫內巴戈", 雖然實際上有一個版本稱為『片面’ 單其中『這是一個調用’ 最終成為孤獨的歌曲. 另一個主要包含在12英寸的記錄/CD或錄音帶的軌道是"Podunk", 由戴夫·格羅爾撰寫.

曲目在美國單曲圖表中發佈後 『這是一個調用’ 闖入記錄圖表的位置 12 並朝著數字前進 2 在那裡它實際上達到頂峰. 考慮到當時的 Foo 戰鬥機, 一個很好的結果是一個新的樂隊, 雖然很多購買音樂的消費者都意識到與前, 廣泛成功的團體涅槃.

整個英國, 其中替代岩石幾乎總是有一個巨大的追隨者,包括上述涅槃, 這首歌原來是一個頂部 5 歌曲實際上在五號達到頂峰. 這些天來, 英國有一大群 Foo 戰鬥機觀眾.

搖滾樂隊的第一次全國電視亮相是在大衛·萊特曼的《晚秀》中現場播放這首歌. 因此, Foo 戰鬥機與大衛 · 萊特曼在《晚秀》中演奏過 10 更多的場合,通過多年來執行『這是一個電話’ 因為大衛·萊特曼已經成為一個巨大的追隨者.

連同搖滾樂隊的其他著名搖滾樂隊的曲調, 計算機/視頻/控制台遊戲, 它提供了『這是一個調用’ 作為一個下載的歌曲,最初是可以獲得的 2008.

賽道在加拿大各地的表現也很高, 獲取位置編號 1 在該國的替代圖表中. 在包括荷蘭在內的不同歐洲國家以及澳大利亞和紐西蘭等埃雷和安提波迪安國家中,該單曲的熱門單曲也榜有條不限.

Foo 戰鬥機有史以來第一次單次發佈, "這是一個電話", 開始這個過程,也放下了基礎,以獲得未來的音樂成功在世界各地,目前正在經歷的樂隊所有這些年下來線,如果也許你可以獲得 福戰鬥機門票 2011 他們的現場表演,你也許能夠體驗到現場記錄.

谷歌 Android 採集中長大

August 22nd, 2011 由 Zap 沒有評論 »

One of Wall Street’s most consistent tendencies through the years has been for companies that have reached a certain size to buy other companies in an attempt to goose their growth. The old saying goes that when you can’t get better, you get bigger. It makes sense. Rapidly-growing companies can book impressive year-over-year numbers while they are still small, but it becomes increasingly difficult to post double-digit gains in sales and earnings once you’ve become a billion-dollar enterprise. Looking outside your own business to major competitors (i.e. buying growth through increased market share) or to companies that are related but tangential to one’s own (i.e. buying vendors, partners, customers, etc.) are the two most common ways in which this is done.

然而, history tells us that such steps are fraught with peril. Major acquisitions by mega-cap option bit stocks are usually overpriced and rarely go well for the acquiring company. Companies that have become very large have entrenched systems, personnel and mentalities that can be extremely difficult to modify, and it is common to see the merged entity rapidly lose highly experienced managers a year or two after the deal. There are numerous examples of this, but we’ll cite AOL’s merger with Time and Alcatel’s merger with Lucent as a two very good ones.

Google’s $12.5 billion decision to acquire Motorola’s mobility division, with which it works very closely on the Android mobile-phone operating system, is very telling in this regard. Having grown by leaps and bounds over the past five years primarily through search and advertising, Google’s management is under severe pressure to keep the elliottwave music playing. Frankly, the deal has one of the hallmarks of a potential disasterGoogle is paying a massive, 63%, premium to gain control over Motorola’s jewel in the crown, even though the deal is the result of an exclusive process in which Google was the only buyer.

此外, the deal puts Google squarely into a low-margin, high volume business that effectively puts it into competition with the 38+ other handset makers using Android, which is considered by many to be the best mobile OS. It has quietly amassed a dominant 43% of the mobile phone market, ahead of both Nokia and Apple, but it is generally considered poor form to directly compete with your customers. No amount of reassurance that Android licensing will still be managed by aseparatedivision is going to placate rival firms who now see Google as a direct competitor.

Google has defended the acquisition in general and the price in particular by citing Motorola’s deep patent portfolio. There is some credibility to the claim, since owning the patents will provide a degree of legal protection from infringement lawsuits (as well as the legal standing to go after others), and there sure to be more than a few gee-whiz things in there that can be significantly monetized.

But the bottom line is that Google has grown up. It’s not the disruptive game-changing firm of 2005, but rather a very large, mature business with tons of cash that is buying innovation (this will be its 102nd acquisition). Steps like the Motorola acquisition and its recently launched Google+ social networking application suggest a me-too type of strategy, not the sort of thing that spawns sector-killer things like YouTube and Adsense.

事實上, Google now reminds us very much of Microsoft a few years ago. With lots of cash flow being generated from stable but slow-growing products like MS Office, Microsoft was long criticized for not acquiring growth through mergers, so it went out and snagged Skype in May in an ill-advised, non-core and overpriced acquisition that we feel will ultimately be seen as a major mistake.

Interestingly, Microsoft was quickly seen on Wall Street as a benefactor of the Google-Motorola deal. Not only does the acquisition instantly place other mobile OS makers, like Nokia and Research in Motion, on the block, but it may benefit the mobile Windows OS if, as mentioned, current Android partners defect. All told, Google’s move may look good on paper, but experience tells us that hindsight might deliver a different opinion.


August 19th, 2011 由 Zap 沒有評論 »

I have had the opportunity of using music production laptops pretty mush most brand of laptop out there this year given what I do. I have loaded FL Studio and M-Audio controllers on every one of the laptops below. In case anyone is considering purchasing a laptop, you may be able to use this information before you buy:

Lenovo T61:
My recommendation for music production:
Incredible machine. Fast and runs the drivers for the m-audio well. The boot is a little slow due to the Lenovo management software. The biggest advantage of the Lenovo’s is they ground their boards out like Apple does so you don’t get thepower buzzout of it when its on AC power.

HP NW8xxx series, NC6000:
Do NOT buy HP anything if you are going to produce. HP DOES NOT ground their boards properly and you get a terrible AC Buzz through your USB or Firewire interfaces. Laptops have great performance, however, the buzz is unbearable. I had to run this one on battery all the time when recording vocals. Stay away from Compaq/HP for music production.

These machines are terribleavoid them. Warranty is terrible and performance is terrible. I had horrible performance and stability with these machines, especially in Ableton.

Apple Macbook, Macbook Pro:
Excellent machines for music production. Downside is these are expensive so if you have the money, go for it. Their warranties and extended are expensive, however, these are the best grounded machines. I got the least amount of buzz out of these from AC. For this reason, they make excellent machines for music production on the MAC or Windows side.

Dell isn’t bad. I tested an XPS laptop. I personally am not a big fan of Dell given their support and construction. They are pieced together from Samsung contracts in Malaysia. I did hear a higher level buzz from the Dell than the Lenovo, but it wasn’t much worse. Performance and stability is good with the Dell.

Over the last year and a half, I have switched laptops for testing for my job and inevitably loaded Ableton and VSTS/drivers for testing the machines for the hell of it for my own knowledge.

Out of them all, I was surprisingly impressed with the Lenovo T61 quality and quietness when running in the studio. I think the Lenovo is the closest to the Apple MacBook in terms of a machine built to do music.

I think you can’t go wrong with either the Lenovo T series (stay away from the Ideapad series) or the Apple Macbook series. Apple was without a doubt the quietest machine in the studio followed by the Lenovo. I would recommend if you are only going to run Windows, go Lenovo. If you want the MAC OS, go Apple Macbook Pro.

By all means, stay away from any HP/Compaq models as they obviously don’t know how to ground their boards and you get ridiculous amounts of noise out of them when on AC power.

I would quite honestly stay away from everything else with the exception of Dell if for some reason you can’t buy an Apple or Lenovo.

for more music production equipment and more check out my blog.